Hello. I am a teenage male, and about 2 weeks ago I had a surgery on my penis, which involved them fixing the hole due to it not being big enough. Everything looks good down there and my stitches have gone away, except for one thing. When I urinate it somewhat hurts at the lower part of the hole. I went to my urologist and had an early follow up appointment to make sure that my doctor thought it was ok, and to make sure I did not get an infection of some sort. I went, and he told me that the pain down there was normal at the lower part because they used a different stuture than the rest of the ones the used, and the little burning sensation would be gone in about 2 weeks. And I do have another appointment with him in a couple of weeks because I have a 6 week check up still. It doesnt really hurt when I pee, and my doctor told me that the surgery went really well. And I think so to because I haven t had any pain at all since the first few days after the procedure. But when will I be able to masturbate? I have an urge to and I dont know if I should or not. I don t want to be set back on the healing process or anything, and I dont want any pain. But I honestly feel, personally that if I were to masturbate I wouldn t feel any pain. But my doctor did say that 6 weeks or less. I m not sure on what to do.